What Is Metrology and Why Is It Needed?

What is Metrology and Why is it Needed?

Metrology is the scientific study of measurement. This field of study defines measurements under a common understanding, applies these measurements in practice, and uses them in analysis across industries. Because of its broad applicability, metrology is used worldwide to establish accuracy and precision in many critical fields.

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What Is a CMM Machine: Components, Uses, and Benefits

What Is a CMM Machine? Components, Uses, and Benefits of CMM Measurement

Strong manufacturing depends on the precise measurement of parts and components. Every part needs to be identical to ensure correct functionality, but sometimes, irregularities in fabrication and production can lead to discrepancies in the dimensions of manufactured parts. Without accurate measurement, dimensional errors can result in products failing to operate properly.

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Steps in the Reverse Engineering Process

How Does Reverse Engineering Work?

Reverse engineering is the process of analyzing and deconstructing something to see how it works. An example would be taking apart an alarm clock to understand what each piece does – and how the pieces work together.

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